PRACTICE MCQS FOR PPSC IN HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION, Most repeated questions from past tests.

1.Who invented the modern version of the racket?

Ans;  E.C. Goode

2.When was the first World Championships held?

Ans; 1926

3.When was the 40mm ball implemented?

Ans; 2000

4 .According to, IITH, Table Tennis” net height should be equal to.

Ans; 6 inch

5.In which year, Table Tennis has been included in Olympics?

Ans; 1988

6.The 21-point to an 11-point scoring system was changed in

Ans; 2001

7.In which year, Table Tennis was first played

Ans; 1880s

8.When was the 11-points game implemented?

Ans; 2001

9.When Table Tennis was originated in 1880s, it was known as

Ans; Wiff-Waff

10.According to IITH, Table Tennis Ball is

Ans; 2.7 gram

11.Which is the Highest governing body of Table Tennis


12.Table Tennis was played for first time in the Olympics of

Ans; Seoul 1988

13.Which of the given stroke is in the category of Offensive strokes?

Ans; Push

14.What is the name of the most common grip in table tennis?

Ans; Hand shake grip

15.What is the ready stance for playing table tennis?

Ans;  Straight leg, elbow straight, arms out

16.The revised method of scoring table tennis is

Ans; Score to 21 and switch serve every 5 points

17.When the score is tied 10 to 10 it is called

Ans; Deuce

18.What is it called when hitting the net while serving and the ball successfully makes it over the net?

Ans; Let

19.Who gets the point when a let occurs on a serve?

Ans; The server

20.A defensive move in table tennis is the

Ans;  Push

Important Health and Physical Education MCQS

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