MOST IMPORTANT MCQS OF HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION, Widely repeated questions from all past papers.

1. Who invented the modern version of the racket

A. E.C. Goode

B. M.C. James

C. James Mark

D. James Gibb

2. When was the first World Championships held?

A. 1924

B. 1918

C. 1926

D. 1932

3. When was the 40mm ball implemented?

A. 2000

B. 1999

C. 2001

D. 2002

4 .According to, IITH, Table Tennis” net height should be equal to.

A. 4 inch

B. 5 inch

C. 6 inch

D. 7 inch

5. In which year, Table Tennis has been included in Olympics?

A. 1967

B. 1972

C. 1981

D. 1988

6. The 21-point to an 11-point scoring system was changed in

A. 1986

B. 1991

C. 1996

D. 2001

7. In which year, Table Tennis was first played

A. 1880s

B. 1890s

C. 1900s

D. 1820s

8. When was the 11-points game implemented?

A. 1998

B. 2000

C.  2001

D. 2003

9. When Table Tennis was originated in 1880s, it was known as

A. Tung-Tung

B. Bing-Bang

C. Wiff-Waff

D. Ping-Rong

10. According to IITH, Table Tennis Ball is

A. 2.7 gram

B. 2.9 gram

C. 3.1 gram

D. 3.3 gram

11. Which is the Highest governing body of Table Tennis





12. Table Tennis was played for first time in the Olympics of

A. Seoul 1988

B. Los Angeles 1932

C. Greece 1896

D. Atlanta 1996

13. Which of the given stroke is in the category of Offensive strokes?

A. Chop

B. Push

C. Loop

D. Lob

14. What is the name of the most common grip in table tennis?

A. Pinch grip

B. Hand shake grip

C. Death grip

D. Low squeeze grip

15. What is the ready stance for playing table tennis?

A. Straight leg, elbows bent, arms at side

B.  Straight leg, elbow straight, arms out

C. Bent legs, elbows bent, arms out

D. Eng legs, elbows straight, arms at side

16. The revised method of scoring table tennis is

A. Score to 21 and switch serve every 5 points

B. Score to 15 and switch serve every 2 points

C. Score to 18 points and switch serve every 3 points

D. Score to 11 points and switch serve every 2 points

17. When the score is tied 10 to 10 it is called

A. Uno

B. Twice

C. Deuce

D. Dos

18. What is it called when hitting the net while serving and the ball successfully makes it over the net?

A. Set

B. Deuce

C. Dos

D. Let

19. Who gets the point when a let occurs on a serve?

A. The server

B. The defender

C. No one

D. Everybody

20. A defensive move in table tennis is the

A. Block

B. Push

C. Loop

D. Topspin


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