MOST IMPORTANT SOLVED MCQS OF TABLE TENNIS FOR PPSC TESTS,Widely repeated mcqs in past tests series.


1.     Each service counts as ——– Point each

 a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

2.   A ——— Is the period during which ball is being played.

a) Leb

b) Rally

c) foul                        

3, The ball is never allowed to hit the ———-

a) net

b) table

c) none of them

4. In double play you must alternate the hits between the——-

a) two partners

b) three partners

c) four partners


5. The ball can bounce ——– on your side of the table before you return it.

a) more than once

b) or two

c) Both


6. A ——— occurs when a served ball touches the net as it goes over.

a) let

b) foul

c) relly


7.  The ———- is the player due to strikes the ball second in a rally.

a) serve

b) receiver

c) both

8. If the ball touches the ————- it is not a point.

a) net

b) table

c) non of them

 9.The ball can bounce more than once on the———- before you hit it.

a) table

b) net

c) non of them

10. If the serve is legal except that it touches the net, it is called a————.

a) let ser 



11. In the case where a ball first hits inbounds and then lands out of bounds, the returning  team has a grace of ———- bounces to put the ball back into play.

a) three

b) two

c) four

12. A ———— is the period during the ball is in play.

a) rally

b) foul

c) non of them

13. In double you alternate hits between the ————–.

a) two players

b) three players

c) four players

14.How many times can the ball be passed between players before sending it over the net?

a) 4

b) unlimited

c) 1

15. The ———— is the person appointed to decide the result of each rally.

a) umpire

b) receiver

c) non of them

16. If the serving side is fault then a point given to the———-.

a) receiver side

b) serve side

c) both

17. In a match sequence of players does ————-.

a) matter

b) not matter

c) both

18. When a point is scored, both the serving and receiving side———–.

a) change sides

b) or not change

c) non of them

19.If the serving team faults, it is a point for the————team.

a) receiving team

b) serving team

c) both

20. Unsuccessful return and loss of point occurs when———-.

a) ball hits twice on own half of court

b) players alternate hitting the ball.

c) ball hits the net and goes over.

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