MDCAT MCQs Biology Past Papers Repeated Questions

Most important and widely repeated MCQs in the past papers of MDCAT Biology.

Practice test MCQs for best preparation for the test to scoring high marks.

1) In general, asexual reproduction is common in
a) Humans

b) Deuteromycota

c) Basidiomycota

d) Basidiospores
2) Which of the following is used for lowering blood cholesterol?
a) Neurospora

b) Aspergillus

c) Griseofulvin

d) Lovastatin
3) Name the nutrition resulting from feeding on the dead and decaying matter:
a) Saprophytic

b) Symbiotic.

c) Parasitic

d) Both b & c
4) Name the nutrition resulting from feeding on the dead and decaying matter:
a) Saprophytic

b) Symbiotic

c) Parasitic

d) Both b & c
5) Which of the following components is less resistant to decay?
a) Lignin

b) Chitin

c) Starch

d) Cellulose
6) ____ are bio-indicators of air pollution:
a) Cyanobacteria

b) Mycorrhiza

c) Fungi

d) Lichens
7) Drug obtained from fungus used for lowing blood cholesterol is:
a) Lovastatin

b) Ergotin

c) Cyclosporine

d) Griseofulvin
8) Fungi store surplus food in the form of:
a) Cellulose

b) Starch

c) Glycogen

d) Both b & c
9) The ecological role of fungi as decomposers is paralleled only by:
a) Prions

b) Bacteria

c) Algae

d) Viruses

10) Which of the following component is found in the cell wall of fungi?
a) Cellulose

b) Proteins

c) Chitin

d) Glycerol
11) Bacteria and fungi are examples of:
a) Producers

b) Consumers

c) Decomposers

d) Danvers
12) Antibiotics are produced by fungi and certain bacteria of groups:
a) Actinomycetes

b) Ascomycetes

c) Oomycetes

d) Basidiomycetes
13) Fungi that cause thrush in humans:
a) Sarcomeres

b) Lovastatin

c) Candidiasis

d) Aspergillus
14) Athlete’s Foot is a disease caused by:
a) Bacteria

b) Fungus

c) Virus

d) Arthropod
15)In rhizopus, the zygote forms a temporary, dormant, thick-walled resistant structure called:
a) Zygospore

b) Sporangia

c) Spore

d) Hydra
16) Chitin, a chemical found in the exoskeleton of arthropods is also found in the cell walls of:
a) Bacteria

b) Cyanobacteria

c) Fungi

d) Algae
Answer Key:
1 b

2 d

3 a

4 a

5 b

6 d

7 a

8 c

9 b

10 c
11 c

12 a

13 c

14 b

15 a

16 c


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