Agriculter Officer PPSC MCQs Past Paper PDF Notes Downloads

We provide fully solved past papers & books of PPSC Assistant agriculture in the agriculture department (BS-16) in pdf, candidates can Download solved MCQs past papers here.

1. The science of categorization called

Ans. Taxonomy
2. Grapes nurturing called

Ans. Viticulture
3. Tomato is a good foundation of vitamins

Ans. Vitamin C
4. Rearing of honeybees is called

Ans. Apiculture
5. what is called The artificial elimination of the stamens from flowers before they dehisce 

Ans. emasculation
6. The science of fruit fabrication is called

Ans. Pomology
7. Scirtothrips citric is a pest violent

Ans. Citrus
8. Rearing a silkworm known as

Ans. sericulture
9. Magnifier indicia is a botanical name of

Ans. mango
10. Which of the subsequent is not a fruit

Ans. Pumpkin

11. The vector of the cotton leaf curl virus in Pakistan is known as

Ans. White fly

12. In DNA, adenine always pairs with

Ans. Thymine
13. Insects have  legs 
Ans. 6
14. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has its headquarters situated in

Ans. Rome, Italy
15. Soil salinity can be rectified with

Ans. Gypsum
16. Safflower is an

Ans. Oil producing plant
17. Banana fruit is classified in the category of

Ans. Berry
18. What Ploidy level of the maize plant is

Ans. Diploid
19. Gypsum is an affluent source of?

Ans. Calcium + Sulpher
20. Gossypium hirsute is the botanical name of

Ans. Cotton
21. Olericulture is the study production with

Ans. Vegetable production
22. Sorghum inflorescence is

Ans. the panicle
23. phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase First carboxylation enzyme in

Ans. the c4 plant
24. Barnyard grass is a weed of

Ans. sunflowe

25. Pencilian as discovered by

Ans. Flemming

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