UHS PMC MDCAT Biology MCQs Solved Past Papers

Get UHS PMC MDCAT Biology MCQs solved questions and most important data for MDCAT Preparation.

1. Which is known as the ‘River of Life’?
Answer: Blood
2. Blood circulation was discovered by?
Answer: William Harvey
3. The total blood volume in an adult?
Answer: 5-6 Litres
4. The pH value of Human blood?
Answer: 7.35-7.45
5. The normal blood cholesterol level?
Answer: 150-250 mg/100 ml
6. The fluid part of blood?
Answer: Plasma
7. Plasma protein fibrinogen has an active role in?
Answer: Clotting of blood
8. Plasma protein globulins function as?
Answer: Antibodies
9. Plasma proteins maintain the blood pH.
Answer: Albumins
10. Biconcave discs shaped blood cells?
Answer: RBC (Erythrocytes)
11. Non-nucleated blood cells?
Answer: RBC (Erythrocytes)
12. Are Respiratory pigments present in RBC?
Answer: Haemoglobin
13. Is Red pigment present in RBC?
Answer: Haemoglobin
14. RBC produced in the?
Answer: Bone marrow
15. Iron containing pigment of Haemoglobin?
Answer: Haem
16. Protein containing pigment of Haemoglobin?
Answer: Globin
17. Graveyard of RBC?
Answer: Spleen
18. Blood bank in the body?
Answer: Spleen
19. Life span of RBC?
Answer: 120 Days
20. Total count is measured by an instrument known as?
Answer: Haemocytometer
21. A decrease in RBC count is known as?
Answer: Anemia
22. An increase in RBC count is known as?
Answer: Polycythemia
23. A high concentration of bilirubin in the blood causes?
Answer: Jaundice
24. The disease-resistant blood cell?
Answer: WBC (leucocytes)
25. Which WBC is known as soldiers of the body?
Answer: Neutrophils
26. Largest WBC?
Answer: Monocyes
27. Smallest WBC?
Answer: Lymphocytes
28. Antibodies producing WBC?
Answer: Lymphocytes
29. Life span of WBC?
Answer: 10-15 days
30. Blood cell performs an important role in blood clotting.
Answer: Thrombocytes (Platelets)
31. Vessels are called?
Answer: Thrombus
32. Anticoagulant present in Blood?
Answer: Heparin
33. A hereditary bleeding disease?
Answer: Haemophilia
34. Bleeder’s disease?
Answer: Haemophilia
35. Christmas disease?
Answer: Haemophilia
36. A type of Anemia with sickle-shaped RBC?
Answer: Sickle cell anemia
37. Viscosity of Blood?
*Answer: 4.5 to 5.5
38. Instrument used to measure hemoglobin?
Answer: Haemoglobinometer
39. Who demonstrated blood groups?
Answer: Karl Landsteiner
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40. Who demonstrated the Rh factor?
Answer: Karl Landsteiner
41. Blood group which is called Universal donor?
Answer: O
42. Blood group which is called Universal recipient?
Answer: AB
43. What Blood group is most common among Asians?
Answer: B

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