LECTURER MCQS FOR GENERAL KNOWLEDGE PPSC FPMC, Most repeated questions from past test series.

Q 1: total coastline of pakistan?
Ans: 1046km
Q 2: cheapest sourse of energy?
Ans: solar
Q 3: killer mountain is known as ,
Ans: Nanga parbat
Q 4: Baran river flows in which province ?
Ans: Sindh
Q 5: widdan is also known as ,

Ans:Ghazwa abwa
Q 6: Najeebullahis the tittle of ?
Ans: Hazrat yahya (A.S)
Q 7: Death of Akbar happened in ?
Ans: 1605
Q 8: shalimar bagh made by ,,,
Ans: (shahjan)
Q 9: Khanpur incident happened in,
Ans: 1913
Q 10:What is the capital of Angola?
Ans: luanda
Q 11: city of colleges is called, 
Ans: lohore
Q 12:Which is the largest desert of pakistan?
Ans: Thar ( sindh)
Q 13: SCO shanghai cooperation organization found in?
Ans: april 26 1996
Q 14: AMF abbriviation is,
Ans: Arab monetary fund
Q 15: When azad kashmir got independence?
Ans: 24oct 1947
Q 16: Cripps mission?
Ans: 1942
Q 17:Who is the  Governor of bolochistan?
Ans: (R) judge Amanullah khan
Q 18: pirpur report was eastablished in ,
Ans: 1938
Q 19: The deepest lake in world is situated in, 
Ans: Baikal
Q 20: capital of palestine is ,
Ans: Ramallah

Q 21: The largest living bird is?
Ans: Ostrich
Q 22: who invented the hydrogen bomb?
Ans: Samuel cohen
Q 23: Treaty of hudaibiyah?
Ans: 6hijri
Q 24: which book is called Gospel?
Ans: Injeel
Q 25: Naples is seaport of ?
Ans: italy

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