Human Biology Science MCQs Part 2 Most Repeated Questions Past Papers Pdf Notes

Second Year Science Human Biology Part Solved MCQs which are highly important and widely repeated in all past papers.

Practice Test MCQs and the Best way to score high marks in Exam.

1. In the human body where is pituitary gland is located

Ans. Brain

2. How many bones are present in the human ear?

Ans. 6

3. The normal blood pressure of a Human is 

Ans. 120/80 mm Hg

4. Name of the largest gland in the human body is 

Ans. Liver

5. The branch of Science related to the study of teeth?

Ans. Odontology

6. Name the hardest part of the human body that is

Ans. Enamel

7. How many types of teeth are present in the human body?

Ans. 4

8. Color of the eye depends upon the pigment present in 

Ans. Iris

9. Named of the gland which controlled blood pressure?

Ans. Adrenal gland

10. How many teeth are temporary in the human body 

Ans. 20

11. Which gland in the human body is both the exocrine and endocrine glands?

Ans. Pancras

12. Yellow color of urine is due to the presence of which gland?

Ans. Urochrome

13. How many muscles are found in the human body?

Ans. 639

14. How many ribs are present in the human body?

Ans. 24

15. The bone and teeth are made up of 

Ans. Tricalcium phosphate

16. What is the name of the male sex hormone?

Ans. Testosterone

17. Name of the disease caused by the deficiency of iodine is 

Ans. Goiter

18. Name of the pigment which gives color to the skin is 

Ans. Melanin

19. In the human body sigmoid colon is part of 

Ans. Large intestine

20. How many bones are present in a newborn baby?

Ans. 300




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