Data Entry Operators MCQs Past Papers Important Notes

Past papers important MCQs with answers for the best preparation and scoring high marks in Data Entry Operators Test.

Practice Test MCQs

1. Basic metals can be converted into gold by?

A. Heating
B. Beating
C. Artificial nuclear radioactivity
D. Chemical reaction

2. A light year is a unit of?

A. Time
B. Energy
C. Length
D. Mass

3. One of the main functions of the earth’s ozone layer is to?

A. Prevent global warming
B. Filter out ultraviolet rays
C. Absorb pollution
D. All of the above

4. Persons with the following blood group are considered to be the universal recipient.

A. A+
B. B+
C. AB+
D. O+

5. Study of life in outer space is known as?

A. Endobiology
B. Exobiology
C. Enterobiology
D. Neurobiology

6. The name of the common mineral salt present in sweat is?

A. Calcium Oxalate
B. Potassium Sulphate
C. Sodium Chloride
D. Iron Sulphate

7. Sensitive layer of the eye is?

A. Chords
B. Sclerotic
C. Retina
D. Cornea

8. Laughing gas has a chemical composition of the following two elements?

A. Nitrogen + Hydrogen
B. Nitrogen + Carbon
C. Nitrogen + Oxygen
D. Oxygen + Carbon

9. Dr. Abdus Salam of Pakistan was one of the contributors to the unification of ____?

A. Electromagnetic force and gravitational force
B. Electromagnetic force and weak nuclear force
C. Gravitational force and weak nuclear force
D. Weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force

10. Which triplet in DNA codes for valine?

D. None of these

11:Computers process data into information by working exclusively with:

A. Multimedia
B. Word
C. Numbers
D. Characters

12:When creating a computer program the __ designs the structure of the program.

A. End-User
B. System Analyst
C. Programmer
D. All of these

13:Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a:

A. Mainframe
B. Supercomputer
C. Client
D. Network

14:What is the science that attempts to produce machines that display the same type of intelligence that humans do?

A. Nanoscience
B. Nanotechnology
C. Artificial Intelligence
D. Simulation

15:The CPU and Memory are located on the ___.

A. Expansions
B. Motherboard
C. Storage Device
D. Output Device

16. What is the total area of Balochistan Province?

A. 74,521 Sq Km
B. 40,914 Sq Km
C. 347,190 Sq Km
D. 205,344 Sq Km

17. What is the total area of Sindh Province?

A. 74,521 Sq Km
B. 140,914 Sq Km
C. 347,190 Sq Km
D. 205,344 Sq Km

18. What is the total area of FATA?

A. 27,220 Sq Km
B. 40,914 Sq Km
C. 347,190 Sq Km
D. 205,344 Sq Km

19. What is the total area of ICT?

A. 906 Sq Km
B. 1106 Sq Km
C. 1006 Sq Km
D. 1206 Sq Km

20. GHQ Stands for:

A. General Head Quarters
B. General High Quarters
C. General High Quartermaster
D. None of them


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